271 research outputs found

    Partially embodied motor control: towards a natural collaboration between body and brain

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    Motor control systems in the brain humans and mammals are hierarchically organised, with each level controlling increasingly complex motor actions. Each level is controlled by the higher levels and also receives sensory and/or proprioceptive feedback. Through learning, this hierarchical structure adapts to its body, its sensors and the way these interact with the environment. An even more integrated view is taken in morphological or embodied computation. On the one hand, there is both biological and mechanical (robotics) evidence that a properly chosen body morphology can drastically facilitate control when the body dynamics naturally generate low level motion primitives. On the other hand, several papers have used physical bodies as reservoirs in a reservoir computing setup. In some cases, reservoir computing was used as an easy way to obtain robust linear feedback controllers for locomotion. In other cases, the body dynamics of soft robots were shown to perform general computations in response to some input stimulation. In general, very specific highly compliant bodies were used. We present recent results on two open questions regarding the way morphological computation could be exploited in biological motor control. Generally, when reservoir computing has been used to exploit body dynamics for computation, the desired output signals were known. Clearly, in biological locomotion, the learning does not enforce specific muscle actuation signals. Instead, it rewards desirable forms of motion and penalizes undesirable ones. We show how a biologically plausible learning rule, reward modulated Hebbian learning, can enable the incorporation of compliant body dynamics into the control hierarchy, resulting in robust motor control. Despite the many successes with using physical bodies as reservoirs, the relationship between compliance and computational power has hardly been investigated. Although biological bodies are partially compliant, they also have a very specific structure and many rigid parts. It therefore remains unclear to what extent this type of bodies can help in motor control. In our research, we use compliant four legged robots to address this issue. We present first results that indicate that for such robots, linear feedback of proprioceptive signals alone is often not sufficient to result in stable gait control. In addition, a first comparison of different levels of compliance indicate that a well chosen level of compliance can drastically simplify motor control, compared to both, too little and too much compliance, and that the body should therefore be considered as an integral part of the control

    Practical approaches to exploiting body dynamics in robot motor control

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    Motor control systems in the brain of humans and mammals are hierarchically organised, with each level controlling increasingly complex motor actions. Each level is controlled by the higher levels and also receives sensory and/or proprioceptive feedback. Through learning, this hierarchical structure adapts to its body, its sensors and the way these interact with the environment. An even more integrated view is taken in morphological or embodied computation. On the one hand, there is both biological and mechanical (robotics) evidence that a properly chosen body morphology can drastically facilitate control when the body dynamics naturally generate low level motion primitives. On the other hand, several papers have used robot bodies as reservoirs in a reservoir computing setup. In some cases, reservoir computing was used as an easy way to obtain robust linear feedback controllers for locomotion. In other cases, the body dynamics of soft robots were shown to perform general computations in response to some input stimulation. In general, very specific highly compliant bodies were used. At Ghent University’s Reservoir Lab, we have previously used reservoir computing to generate locomotion on quite different robot platforms: the highly compliant tensegrity robot Recter and the far less compliant quadruped robot Oncilla and a new low cost modular quadruped puppy robot. In all cases, we succeeded in generating stable gaits. However, not surprisingly, not all robot bodies are equally suitable to help generating their own motor actuations. As a result, the reservoir computing principle alone was not always sufficient. We present an overview of our experience with these different robot platforms and give practical guidelines for applying physical reservoir computing to new robots. We finally discuss some perspectives on a more systematic evaluation between body morphology, compliance and the complexity of generating stable gaits for locomotion

    Gesture and sign language recognition with temporal residual networks

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    Sign language recognition with transformer networks

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    Sign languages are complex languages. Research into them is ongoing, supported by large video corpora of which only small parts are annotated. Sign language recognition can be used to speed up the annotation process of these corpora, in order to aid research into sign languages and sign language recognition. Previous research has approached sign language recognition in various ways, using feature extraction techniques or end-to-end deep learning. In this work, we apply a combination of feature extraction using OpenPose for human keypoint estimation and end-to-end feature learning with Convolutional Neural Networks. The proven multi-head attention mechanism used in transformers is applied to recognize isolated signs in the Flemish Sign Language corpus. Our proposed method significantly outperforms the previous state of the art of sign language recognition on the Flemish Sign Language corpus: we obtain an accuracy of 74.7% on a vocabulary of 100 classes. Our results will be implemented as a suggestion system for sign language corpus annotation

    Training Passive Photonic Reservoirs with Integrated Optical Readout

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    As Moore's law comes to an end, neuromorphic approaches to computing are on the rise. One of these, passive photonic reservoir computing, is a strong candidate for computing at high bitrates (> 10 Gbps) and with low energy consumption. Currently though, both benefits are limited by the necessity to perform training and readout operations in the electrical domain. Thus, efforts are currently underway in the photonic community to design an integrated optical readout, which allows to perform all operations in the optical domain. In addition to the technological challenge of designing such a readout, new algorithms have to be designed in order to train it. Foremost, suitable algorithms need to be able to deal with the fact that the actual on-chip reservoir states are not directly observable. In this work, we investigate several options for such a training algorithm and propose a solution in which the complex states of the reservoir can be observed by appropriately setting the readout weights, while iterating over a predefined input sequence. We perform numerical simulations in order to compare our method with an ideal baseline requiring full observability as well as with an established black-box optimization approach (CMA-ES).Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS-2017-P-8539.R1), copyright 2018 IEEE. This research was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 PHRESCO Grant (Grant No. 688579) and the BELSPO IAP P7-35 program Photonics@be. 11 pages, 9 figure

    Fast Face-swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We consider the problem of face swapping in images, where an input identity is transformed into a target identity while preserving pose, facial expression, and lighting. To perform this mapping, we use convolutional neural networks trained to capture the appearance of the target identity from an unstructured collection of his/her photographs.This approach is enabled by framing the face swapping problem in terms of style transfer, where the goal is to render an image in the style of another one. Building on recent advances in this area, we devise a new loss function that enables the network to produce highly photorealistic results. By combining neural networks with simple pre- and post-processing steps, we aim at making face swap work in real-time with no input from the user

    Learned Thresholds Token Merging and Pruning for Vision Transformers

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    Vision transformers have demonstrated remarkable success in a wide range of computer vision tasks over the last years. However, their high computational costs remain a significant barrier to their practical deployment. In particular, the complexity of transformer models is quadratic with respect to the number of input tokens. Therefore techniques that reduce the number of input tokens that need to be processed have been proposed. This paper introduces Learned Thresholds token Merging and Pruning (LTMP), a novel approach that leverages the strengths of both token merging and token pruning. LTMP uses learned threshold masking modules that dynamically determine which tokens to merge and which to prune. We demonstrate our approach with extensive experiments on vision transformers on the ImageNet classification task. Our results demonstrate that LTMP achieves state-of-the-art accuracy across reduction rates while requiring only a single fine-tuning epoch, which is an order of magnitude faster than previous methods. Code is available at https://github.com/Mxbonn/ltmp .Comment: Paper to be presented at Efficient Systems for Foundation Models Workshop at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 202
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